Wednesday, February 2, 2011

More Snow!! And another card for the heck of it.

We have absolutely had an awesome Canadian winter this year! The kids had 5 snow days in December alone, and are off again today. It is just a lovely soft snowfall now, which I hope you can see in my pics...but last night was another story...overnight we were slammed with almost 30cm of the white stuff and the wind was blowing so hard, I thought the roof was going to blow off! It is so beautiful, don't you think. I know some people don't like it, it makes driving difficult, etc., but I think its fun. Especially with four-wheel drive....plowing through snow drifts is a blast!! My kids think I'm an idiot, my husband says my suspension will go to pot...oh well, I'm having fun!



Here is another Lily of the Valley card I made for fun. I am not especially happy with it, the flower behind the sentiment looks like the sun, and that isn't really what I was going for. Its done though, so its posted.

I'm off to the dentist (yuck)...but at least I'm getting out in the weather!
Have a great day.
Thanks for looking,
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