Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Yoga Fun and Just Magnolia and Hanglar Stanglar Challenge

Good Morning:
I have just come back from school. My daughter Lexi is doing an experiment at school for her Science Fair Project. She is teaching basic Yoga exercises, but more importantly, breathing exercises to 11 of her classmates. So for the next two weeks, I will go every morning to help supervise, and to make sure they are all doing things correctly. Today is day 2....its really fun. The kids (both boys and girls) are really trying. They were all hand-picked by the teacher, and the idea is to see if the focus on breathing and how it affects mind-body-spirit, changes how these kids handle situations in school. Two weeks is a short time to do this, but realistically, thats all we can do, so she can have the project ready in time for the Science Fair. My children and I have been doing Yoga for some time now, in an effort to prevent injuries during sports....which both of them have been having trouble with this year. Jonah sublexed his knee cap in basketball, and is currently going to physiotherapy as well. Lexi is troubled with a shoulder injury from swimming (miscounted and hit the wall during the backcrawl). And its good for me too, win-win, right!?

Ok...so, now on to my cards for today.


This Valentine's card was made with the Just Magnolia and Hanglar Stanglar challenge in mind. Which is "going dotty", if I remember correctly. Not much in the way of dots, but there are some on the ribbon, so I think it qualifies. I made this one with Lexi in mind, and will slip it in her lunchbox on Valentine's Day with some yummies. She loves that.
The trick now will be to keep it hidden from her until then.


This card, another Magnolia, I made Lexi for her birthday but never got posted. I decided I'd take a pic, since I had the camera out today. She was really happy with it. First time I used the banner, and I like it. Kind of fun.

Thanks so much for looking.
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1 comment:

Jane said...

These are both gorgeous! thanks for joining us at Just Magnolia! hugs, Jane x