Thursday, August 19, 2010

Kraftin Kimmie Christmas

These are our two youngest kiddies...Lexi, and Jonah (who would not be happy at all to know that I called him "kiddie"). We also have an older son who is very camera shy these days, and usually takes off quickly when the camera comes out...once in a while I get lucky, but not often, and not this summer yet at all. Although, to be fair, he was gone for 6 weeks of it...and man was I glad when he came home.


This card is another Kraftin Kimmie stamp...they are my favorites right now. And just when I think they can't possibly get any cooler...they do. Have you seen the Halloween stamps yet? die for my friends. Mine came in the mail today and I can hardly wait to start coloring...too bad there is that pesky thing called "dinner" I have to cook first. I used some Imaginesce papers from last year, and Martha Stewart snowflake punches with a generous dusting of glitter. The snowflake brads are pewter, bought them last year and never opened the here they are. The way I see it, the people I send the cards to really don't know what was last year's stuff and what is "in" right now, so it doesn't matter if I use my old stuff...right?

And another. Again, using some old paper, and again, I don't know who makes it. I used Flower Soft on the bottom of her skirt and buttons, and then put just a little bit of stickles to make it pop.

The weather in Southern Ontario is absolutely gorgeous today, just perfect for a soccer game. So its dinner, soccer and some coloring for me tonight.

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